Making a video might not seem like an effective measure at first, but it has proven itself to be quite valuable for the patient and the department.
When we enter a new, unknown, environment we have very little knowledge of what to expect or how to behave. In other words, we don't have any references.
Dr. Albert Bandura, Professor of Psychology at Standford University performed an experiment called The Bobo Doll Experiment. This was designed to see if children would model an adult's behavior based on watching a movie.
They created a movie where an adult was aggressive toward an inflated doll. They punched, kicked, and even slammed it with a hammer. They also created a second movie where the adult didn't pay much attention to the Bobo doll.
They divided the children into two groups, where each group watched one of the movies. They then put the children within the same room, with the Bobo doll. As expected, the children started to model the behavior they were presented. (Interview with Dr. Albert Bandura)
Creating a model for behavior
If you create a video for your hospital / MRI clinic and share that with the patients before they enter the hospital, they will have a visualized model of
Creating a video
We believe that the issue isn't to sell you on the idea, but the fact that most people don't know HOW to create such a movie. People we've talked to think that it's expensive, or requires expensive gear and years of experience.
Together with MR tech Bac Nguyen, and Rikshospitalet Norway, we've created a video that shows you HOW to create a patient movie. Yes, we believe that by building a model for you, showing you how, you'll do it.
Our vision is that each and every hospital has its own movie, and that its more than good enough.
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